The All-Russian action "Victory Dictation" dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War will take place on September 3

The purpose of the dictation is to attract the general public to study the history of the Great Patriotic War, increase historical literacy and patriotic education of youth

The promotion was first held in 2019. The Victory Dictation was held at 1,400 venues in Russia. This jubilee year it is planned to hold the dictation in 85 regions of the Russian Federation and 75 countries of the world.

In total, over 140 sites in the libraries of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) from 33 uluses take part in the action.

The National Library of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) organizes an online testing site. Participants will be asked to complete 25 tasks in 45 minutes: 20 federal and 5 regional. The winners of the action will be determined at the federal and regional levels. During the dictation, participants will be able to use only their own knowledge.

All sanitary and epidemiological conditions for the safe conduct of the dictation are met: the entrance of the dictation participants to the library is strictly in masks, after passing the thermometry procedure and treatment of hands / gloves with antiseptics, social distancing is mandatory - 1.5 meters.

More information about the promotion can be found on the promotion website диктантпобеды.рф.